About the Blogger

●Hello Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and reading my little corner of the internet!●

My name is Ashley and I'm your average college student trying to find her place in this crazy world. I am 23 years old and live close to Nashville, Tn.
This little corner of the internet is going to be an outlet for random thoughts, reviews of products I love and in the future possibly fashion photography. I've had this dream and image of this blog and would love to bring it to reality and make this my constant outlet for you guys. While it has been difficult to keep up with postings since school has been crazy insane; I have a plan written out ( and it
might wind up being a blog post in the near future).
I love:
1) Cats
2) Techno music
3) History (especially European)
4) Hooping ❤︎
5) Sunshine & Beaches
6) Lilies
7) Tattoos

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